

Karmic Bath

I RELEASE MY SPIRIT! (This I call karmic bathing. It’s like a karmic shower. You feel much lighter afterwards! Very powerful stuff. For more effectiveness, read out loud! And remember, what you do for yourself, you are doing for the Collective and all of humanity, throughout timelines, throughout generations. We thank you!)You do NOT do this in a bath. If you can do this on your knees in front if a candle facing East with your hands in the air. Say it out not in your mind. Do everyday for a week.If you can not go on your knees then please imagine you are xxx I release all remaining resistanceI release all fear still stuck in my body, my cells, blood and bonesI release all unforgivenessI release all resentmentI release all guiltAll shameAll blameI release all victim energyI release all persecutor energiesAll judgementAll criticismI release all preconceived ideasI release all jealousyAll hateAll angerAll grief, pain and sufferingI release all frustrationI release all need to controlI release those that want to control meAll manipulationI release spiteAll feelings of I’m not good enough or better than any otherI am releasing all remaining implants, devices, entities, attachments, cords, ties, vows, pacts, contracts,agreements, all and everything that binds me to the old, all that doesn’t serve my highest good any longerI release all remaining feelings of separation from Self, others, my Higher Self and from SourceI release all remaining resistance to changeI release all suppressionI release all arroganceI release my negative egoI release my lower natureI release all blocks, barriers and chains that prevent me from moving forwardI release all that blocks me from loving myself and others more deeplyI release all outdated thinking, all belief systems, templates, programs, behavioral and thought patterns thatkeep me experiencing old Timelines and ExperiencesI release all lower DNA coding within everyone of my cells across all time and spaceI release all and everyone that is not in alignment with my highest good and Original Divine True HumanSource BlueprintI release all feelings of hopelessness, despair, depression, low self worth and heavinessI release all self denial, all delusions, all illusions, all false hopesI release all blocks around my heart and mindI release all density, all distortions, all mind control, all and everything trying to keep me down and hold mebackI am releasing all interferencesI am removing all and everything that is standing in my way from becoming the highest version of myselfI am releasing all lower thought forms trying to discourage me and hold me backI release all that is not love, not compassion, not understanding, not forgiveness, not ONEnessI am releasing all feelings of doubt, disbelief and confusionI release every thought, feeling and belief that I am not good or strong enough to make itI release all feelings and thoughts making me believe I am not worthy of a happy, peaceful, fulfilled,balanced, abundant and love filled lifeI release all programming telling me I can not have it allI release all worries, all tension, all anxietyI release my old self, my lower selfAll of me which I’ve come to love and accept and welcome home, I can now let go of all that is no longer inalignmentSo I can integrate ALL OF MESo I can release all that I am notTo make space for my True Self to emerge once againMy inner ChristMy True HumanMy Source SelfResurrected and RebornLike the Phoenix from the ashesI rise like never beforeAs a new dawn breaksI have arrived home, at lastI have arrived as the true authentic meAt home in my HEARTPure Source LoveDIVINE LOVEAs ONENothing else requiredI AM SOURCE!I AM SOVEREIGN!I AM FREE!So it is! It is done!

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Soul Fragmentation

WHAT CAUSES SOUL LOSS OR SOUL FRAGMENTATION? Whenever we experience trauma, a part of our soul essence separates from ourselves and is left behind in different places. This happens to avoid the full impact of the pain and shock. After soul fragmentation happens we are left with a feeling of incompleteness and disconnection. I often hear my client say; “I have never been the same after that incident”, and they don’t mean it in a good way. Soul fragmentation could be the cause, among other things I heal in my treatments. WHAT IS SOUL LOSS? There are many common symptoms of soul loss. Some of the symptoms would be where a person does not feel fully themselves; not in their body, alive or fully engaged in life. Other symptoms: • Recurring dreams of disturbing scenes, insomnia• Loss of interest for something we used to enjoy• Loss of creativity• Feeling split, empty, disconnected from ourselves, not feeling present in our body, as if we were outside of ourselves, a spectator of our life• Loss or lack of self-confidence• Feeling that we have no value, nothing to offer – sometimes by waves of emotions• Having difficulties making decisions and questioning these decisions• Looking for other people’s approval or support• Lack of motivation or desire• Being harder on ourselves• Self-loathing• Feeling lost, not knowing in which direction to go or how to move forward• Depression after a significant event or chronic depression• High anxiety• P.T.S.D.• Weak immune system, auto-immune disease or other diseases• Addictions to fill a void. WHAT IS SOUL RETRIEVAL? Soul retrieval is when a shaman goes into an altered state of consciousness and goes into different dimensions to find different parts of the soul. Once the parts have been found they are brought for healing. The parts are then brought back with the shaman and the soul pieces are blown back into the person through the head and heart. Did this article resonate with you? If you would like a healing, or have any questions, please call or message me. If you found this article interesting and think it would benefit others please do share.

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SLEEP PARALYSIS AND DEMONIC ATTACKS Hello this is Joanna from Soul Centre. I am a Shamanic Healer. I work on people all over the world using distant healing. I am here to explain sleep paralysis and tell you how to stop it from happening. Have you ever woken up from a dream feeling terrified? You can’t move, you are frozen. You try to move your hands and legs but you can’t see them moving but you feel like they are moving. You try to shout but nothing comes out. You try get your partner’s attention but to no avail. Sometimes you may feel the presence of another person or entity in the room. A shadow being beside you, on top of you or at the end of your bed. Sometimes you can actually see these entities. Their very presence is terrifying. They may make you feel like you are being crushed and not able to breathe. You try to fight but you are powerless. You are so terrified when you finally wake up you are exhausted, unwell and even emotionally drained. This type of Demon can be a male entity, Incubus, or a Succubus; its female counterpart. Removing their demonic attacks from your life is quite simple. I use this technique myself and it works wonders. When you are under a state of attack, mentally cross your arms and legs (even if you can’t see them move, don’t worry it works). This closes your energy field and protects you. You smile at the demon and demand it leave. This entity feeds off fear. Once you stop feeding it fear, it goes. It knows you understand how the rules work and generally doesn’t come back. If it does, you know what to do. If you found this article helpful, please share and help others. I also ask that you to let me know how you find this technique and your experience when you use it. Love and Light xxx


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